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Boris and Goran

Gender Appearance


Playing Age


Vocal Range

Light Baritone (C3-G4)

Overview of Role/Notes

Comical Vulgarian spies, sent to capture Chitty; neither are very smart, though of the two, Boris is the leader.
The characters are male identifying, but we are open to one or both being played by people who do not identify as male if they are reasonably convincing as ‘men’ in the delivery. Comic timing essential (with a dodgy accent!!), and they must have great rapport with each other.

Audition Quick Overview

Individual Audition only

*Must be played as male, but gender of performer is non-specific

Audition requirements


1. page 8-10 - read Boris
2. page 35 & 36 into song - read Boris (Please go straight into the song)

Vocal (will be accompanied by a pianist in the audition)

Act English - Bars 115 to the end. All sing the Boris (top) line.


Not Applicable

Preparation Aid Videos -

Please Choose a Preparation Aid Video

Please Note: The preparation aid videos are provided to help you learn the material at home to give you all the help you need to be at your best in the audition.

All these backing tracks are to help you learn, however a small number of them will also be used in the audition itself (see pdf pieces for details)

Please Note: The Material Download Area has copyright protected documents and therefore you will need to obtain the password to get in. (See steps on the main Auditions page)

How to sign up......

Expression of Interest form - Having looked through all the different material, and made your decision of how you would like to be involved, if you would like to audition please fill out the online form below and our team will be in touch to confirm your registration.

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